18 August 2016

The joy of garden fencing and other ponderings

So often gardens are boxed in with high fencing whilst people scurry in, heads down, out their front doors pausing only for a quick glance behind to see who may be around.  It's different at Snowdrop Cottage - the fences are low, wine is passed across whilst we enjoy a catch up with neighbours and the sun shines on our backs.  Very recently even 'Crumble' the cat enjoyed a film night snuggled in between our neighbours having snuck in and made himself at home!  Yesterday Dave our neighbour called over 'would you like some veggies?' - our veggie garden had suffered slightly whilst we were away so the offer was very welcome.  Anne from two doors away also left with arms full of courgettes and cucumbers.

So, tomorrow I'll be cooking for Whiteladies Road Market in Clifton and our vegetarian pie will include the beautiful Squash grown by Dave and our 'Beetroot Bombs' will have home grown rainbow beetroot from our vegetable garden and some of Dave's courgettes.  It's simple food, zero air miles and absolutely seasonal.

It's a little cooler here today so this afternoon will be spent clearing up the vegetable garden, and ripping up the sweet peas which are unfortunately looking very sorry for themselves.  We've some new lettuces to plant and a tray of wall flowers to plant too!  There may even be some wine passed over the fence whilst we chat about our successes and failures in the gardena and look forward to the next part of the growing season.